Anesthesia Education Wellness

#4 – Front Line Heroes with M.J. Hiblen

MJ Hiblen is an illustrator from Norwich, United Kingdom who’s first book of art titled, Front Line Heroes is available now from Eyewear Publishing. 

This book is incredibly powerful.  I’ve followed MJ’s work on Instagram since the early days of the COVID19 pandemic when he began drawing images depicting the coronavirus as a classic comic-book style menacing villain with healthcare workers squaring off as the front line heroes the world has come to know them as.  When I saw that this collection of art was coming together in a limited edition hardcover, I immediately put my order in.  The book went to print in August 2020 and over the last few weeks I’ve shared it with colleagues in my anesthesia department.  Their first glance at the artwork – during busy shifts at our level 1 trauma center – was often much like mine:  at first intrigued and then within pages, fighting back tears as we realize the beauty and power of what M.J. Hiblen has captured in his images.  His work is evocative & heart wrenching, at once it powerfully represents the human toll and suffering this virus has brought around the world while also casting healthcare workers as the defiant, battle-worn and ultimately triumphant care providers they are.

You owe it to yourself, after the year we’ve all experienced, to look M.J. Hiblen up on Instagram and get a copy of this book for yourself.  You can find it on Amazon or directly from the publisher at Eyewear Publishing.  Links to the book are in the show notes and if you hurry, you might still be able to get one only 1000 first edition hardcovers, signed by M.J. Hiblen.

Click here: M.J. Hiblen on Instagram

Order your copy of Front Line Heroes, art by M.J. Hiblen here.

By Jon Lowrance

Jon Lowrance, MSN, CRNA is the producer of Anesthesia Guidebook, the go-to guide for anesthesia providers.