Our story is about your journey…

Anesthesia Guidebook is the go-to guide for providers who want to master their craft. We help anesthesia providers thrive in challenging, high-stakes careers through our relevant, compelling guides. You’re on a path to becoming a master anesthesia provider. We’re your go-to guide for deepening your anesthesia practice.

Anesthesia Guidebook is the go-to guide for providers who want to master their craft. We help anesthesia providers thrive in challenging, high-stakes careers through our relevant, compelling guides. You’re on a path to becoming a master anesthesia provider. We’re your go-to guide for deepening your anesthesia practice.

Anesthesia providers hold their patients’ lives in their hands during every case. You never know when you will face crashing hemodynamics, a lost airway or a life-threatening surgical problem… and each of these emergencies can be complicated by your patients’ pathophysiology, suboptimal systems of care that surround you and/or your individual preparedness for the moment. We’re here to help you deepen your practice and come through for your patients when it counts.

The stakes couldn’t be higher. The most vulnerable times in our patients lives often begin when we say “hello.”

If you’re just starting to explore the absolutely fascinating world of anesthesia, maybe as a critical care Registered Nurse, medical student, anesthesia resident or SRNA, we have stories, guides and resources specifically designed with you in mind.

Anesthesia Guidebook is also for those seasoned providers who are looking to level up, dig deeper, stay fresh and develop new skills. We’ll bring you the latest on evidence-based medicine and emerging trends & techniques in the anesthesia community, so you can stay sharp and give your patients and students your best.

Renowned psychologist and best selling author on human performance & expertise, Anders Ericsson, has said:

“Most professionals reach a stable, average level of performance within a relatively short time frame and maintain this mediocre status for the rest of their careers.” (Ericsson, 2004)

Ericsson’s words throw down the gauntlet for anesthesia providers. And the stakes couldn’t be higher. The most vulnerable times in our patients lives often begin when we say “hello.” We have an esteemed responsibility to meet the demand for clinical expertise & assure high functioning systems of care that our patients expect, deserve and entrust their lives to.

Anesthesia Guidebook will bring you compelling stories, e-books and other resources built around pathophysiology, pharmacology, airway management, human performance and team dynamics, all tailored to the high stakes environment you work in.

Our story is about your journey. Your path to becoming a master anesthesia provider is the focus of our story, our work and our mission. SUBSCRIBE to the guidebook podcast, DOWNLOAD the free guide to “10 Things Every Anesthesia Provider Should Know” and join us as you take up the journey towards mastering your craft.

Meet your guide:

Anesthesia Guidebook has its roots in 2013 when producer Jon Lowrance decided to take the first step in developing a free open access meducation (FOAM) podcast for anesthesia providers. Jon was in anesthesia school and realized there were no compelling, active podcasts for anesthesia providers. The best FOAM content, as well as discussion on FOAM as a concept, was coming out of the critical care and emergency medicine communities. Jon and three of his classmates at Western Carolina University (Kristin Andrejco, who Jon now partners in life with, Brad Morgan and Cassidy Padgett) c0-founded “From the Head of the Bed… a podcast for the anesthesia community.” These classmates also co-authored, along with then-program-director Shawn Collins, PhD, DNP, CRNA, a comprehensive review titled “Social media in nurse anesthesia: a model of a reproducible educational podcast,” which was published in the AANA Journal in 2017. After graduate school, Jon continued to produce From the Head of the Bed until 2020 when the concept and platform evolved into what it is today: Anesthesia Guidebook.

Jon Lowrance, MSN, CRNA practices anesthesia and is the SRNA Clinical Coordinator at a level one trauma center in New England.  He is a faculty member with NOLS Wilderness Medicine and Landmark Learning and produces the podcast Anesthesia Guidebook… the go-to guide for anesthesia providers who want to master their craft.

Where we’re headed. Producer Jon Lowrance, MSN, CRNA with co-adventurer Kristin Lowrance, MSN, CRNA, circa 2060.

Opinions expressed through Anesthesia Guidebook are purely those of the producers and contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer. Please refer to our full disclaimer here.

Ericsson, K. A. (2004). Deliberate practice and the acquisition and maintenance of expert performance in medicine and related domains. Academic medicine, 79(10), S70-S81.