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#115 – The NBCRNA MAC Program: How CRNAs Recertify

Hey y’all! First of all: thank you to those of you who have subscribed to the website and get these posts right to your email inbox. That’s all that happens: the podcast is free and subscription to the show just means you get the content straight to you as soon as it’s live. I never sell or use your contact info for any other means. I’m just simply thrilled to have your support and interest in the show as the whole thing is geared to support you and help you thrive in your career as an anesthesia provider. Thank you!

This podcast covers a run down on the NBCRNA’s Maintaining Anesthesia Certification (MAC) Program. The MAC Program is how CRNAs maintain and rectify their license with the National Board of Certification and Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists (NBCRNA).

The MAC Program launched in 2024 as a revamped version of the old CPC (Continued Professional Certification) Program. There are some substantial changes that CRNAs should be aware of. First off, you need to know if you’re in the MAC Program yet. Most CRNAs (new grads and those who’ve re-licensed after 2024) ARE in the new MAC Program.

This show will coach you on how you can log into NBCRNA’s website to see where you’re at and what you need to know about MAC Ed (Class A) & MAC Dev (Class B) credits and the quarterly MAC Check exam questions that you can take on an app on your phone.

All the details are in the show! For the truth of what’s up with the MAC Program and your license, as always, check with NBCRNA! Things change over time. Be sure NBCRNA has an updated email for you. 30% of the emails they send to CRNAs bounce back as invalid addresses. That’s insane! Updatechur email!

You can follow along with the podcast by checking out the attached PDF that outlines the show with lots of helpful graphs and more info than what I spoke about in the podcast.

Two last points:

First: Overall, I think the MAC Program is a really healthy and needed evolution to the CPC Program. NBCRNA has listened to CRNAs and made needed adjustments to the continuing education/relicensure program. We have to have a continuing education/certification program for the CRNA license to have meaning and value. The current iteration is the best it’s been, so there’s that.

Second: Remember that your STATE Board of Nursing may require additional steps for you to re-license as a CRNA. For instance, NBCRNA does NOT require pharmacology-specific continuing education credits (MAC-Ed/Class A); however, the State of Maine (where I’m at) does!

For example, Maine CRNAs must obtain 60 MAC-Ed/Class A and 40 MAC-Dev/Class B credits for recertification with NBCRNA every 4 years but we have to have 50 credits every 2 years, 15 of which (every 2 years) must be pharmacology credits, to re-license as CRNA in the State of Maine. So the requirements to re-license as a CRNA in the State of Maine are slightly more stringent (and more frequent) than to maintain the national license with NBCRNA.

Follow along with the powerpoint for more details:

Go get you some deliberate practice!

Anesthesia Education

#9 – How to Earn Class B Credits with Podcasts

The NBCRNA CPC Program allows for CRNAs to earn Class B Credits by listening to podcasts; this episode tells you how.

The National Board of Certification & Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists (NBCRNA) recognizes anesthesia-related podcasts, like Anesthesia Guidebook, as valid sources of Class B credit in their Continued Professional Certification (CPC) Program that all CRNAs participate in. Class B credits are designed to encourage professional development and CRNAs must obtain 40 hours of Class B credit every 4-year cycle of the CPC Program. If you follow Anesthesia Guidebook, you’ll easily get 10 hours of content each year and all you have to do is claim your credit – FOR FREE – with NBCRNA! The podcast tells you how and the PDFs below show you how. Earning Class B credit has never been easier!

NBCRNA Class B Credits Website: