Anesthesia Education Personal Finances Preparing for Grad School/Residency Wellness

#15 – Significant Others and Anesthesia School with Jen & Rob Montague

Today I’m joined by Jennifer & Robert Montague to talk about the experience of significant others in anesthesia school. Rob is currently a second-year SRNA at the University of New England and Jen, his wife, is a Master’s-prepared Registered Dietitian who has taken on the lioness’ share of providing child care and homeschooling responsibilities for their two children while Rob attends anesthesia school. Jen and Rob moved across the country from Montana to Maine for Rob to pursue a mid-life career change from working as an international mountaineering guide to becoming a CRNA.

This podcast is like something from Death, Sex & Money or Joe Rogan – it’s narrative, it’s a story and unfolds over the hour & half we talk.

You’ll love hearing Rob & Jen’s humor and love for one another and their kids… how resilient their children are and how they’ve made the move work financially & emotionally as individuals and a couple.

If you’re getting ready for anesthesia school, wondering if you can do it with your family and children and how it all works, we talk through all of that. Who better to learn from than a couple, with kids, who are going through not only anesthesia school but doing it all in the middle of a worldwide pandemic?

I’ve been looking forward to doing a show on this topic for a long time and I’m so grateful to bring you Jen & Rob’s story! So settle in to the conversation, break it up over a couple of commutes or an evening on the couch with your significant other and enjoy the story.

By Jon Lowrance

Jon Lowrance, MSN, CRNA is the producer of Anesthesia Guidebook, the go-to guide for anesthesia providers.

2 replies on “#15 – Significant Others and Anesthesia School with Jen & Rob Montague”

Hi Jon, a note from the early days of your podcast, I am so impressed you’ve continued this excellent podcast. I referred to it often when I was a preceptor at Mission for WCU. I am know happily retired after 34 years as a CRNA, but readily admit I do miss giving anesthesia, it still lives up to what I would tell my SRNAs, “you’ve chosen one of the best careers you could” Keep up the great work, if you ever need an old timers perspective, feel free to contact me.

Side note, you may have met my nephew’s wife, Emily Steinberg, she started with an OB/GYN practice in Portland in September. Say hi to her if you happen to work with her.

Best wishes for you and your continued Podcast.
Eric Carlson, CRNA, Retired

Eric! So good to hear from you! Thank you so much for reaching out. I’m in the process of transferring all of the old shows from “From the Head of the Bed” to Anesthesia Guidebook. The one you did with Kristin on the failed airway case you had is one of my favorite! We should do another one soon!

Let’s catch up and plan the next podcast! Jon

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